282,287 research outputs found

    The Intersection of Religious Charter Schools and Urban Catholic Education: A Literature Review

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    This paper analyzes how an emerging form of schooling—“religious” charter schools—may influence the future of urban Catholic elementary education in America. Specifically, it synthesizes the literature related to religious charter schools and Catholic education. The paper investigates if a common understanding of religious charter schools is salient in the literature. In addition, it analyzes the benefits and challenges to this type of school within the context of Catholic education. The synthesis of the literature on the interplay between religious charter schools and urban Catholic elementary schools is the first of its kind. The conclusions of this paper indicate that while the religious charter school terminology is problematic when used in discussions about the future of urban Catholic elementary schools, the concept of such schools merit further reflection and research. These amorphous schools may provide new opportunities and benefits to the Catholic community and others invested in urban education, but they are challenging to implement in practice.The most likely beneficial scenario that emerged in the literature is the leasing of former Catholic school facilities to charter schools and subsequently developing before- or after-school religious education programs when there is no alternative to closing a parochial school. In addition, developing positive relationships with charter schools may result in additional income for struggling urban parishes as well as opening new doors for religious education programming and outreach to the urban poor. Challenges to religious charter schools within the context of Catholic education include church and state complications related to public funding, religious identity issues, legal concerns, increased competition for Catholic schools, and the fact that they are not Catholic schools. Lastly, there is no clear legal consensus on the viability of public charter schools that accommodate religion. This invites the need for scholarly research, advocacy, and public policy work by those interested in the future of urban education in America

    Pembinaan Karakter Siswa Berbasis Pendidikan Agama Di SD Dan SMP DIY

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    The study is aimed at identifying models of character building of elementary and junior secondary school students based on religious education in the province of Yogyakarta. The study is a research and development (R & D) designed in three stages. In the first stage (2010) the study was a survey in 20 elementary and junior secondary schools in Yogyakarta. The data were collected by observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The cross-check technique was used for data validity The data were analysed by the inductive analysis technique. The results showed: 1) A special model was not found yet in character building based on religious education in the elementary and junior secondary schools in Yogyakarta. Character building developed in the elementary and junior high schools was still one that was general, 2) A model should be developed for character building in school based on religious education to make religious education as a major base for developing students' characters. Religious education should actually teach religious attitudes and behaviors. Another important aspect to be considered in the framework of an effective character building in schools is the vision, mission, and goals for the school, and togetherness. There are programs that are clear and detailed, involving all subjects and all teachers. There are support facilities and special teams for the character building program

    Diametrically opposed forces: Religion and the American public education system.

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    The purpose of this investigation was to examine the American judicial system in answering four specific issues concerning religion and the American. public schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. These four issues include (1) prayer in public schools, (2) the teaching of the theory ot evolution versus creation, (3) religious ceremony at public school graduation, and (4) public school facilities for religious use. Specifically, with respect to these four issues, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that (I) it is unconstitutional to have prayer in public schools, (2) it is unconstitutional to teach the theory of creation in public schools; however, it is not unconstitutional to teach the theory of evolution, (3) it is unconstitutional to have a religious ceremony at public school graduation, and (4) it is unconstitutional for public schools to discriminate against religious organizations when renting the school facilities for religious use. Additionally, issues concerning for and against the teaching of and about religion in public schools are discussed. The investigation concludes that religion should not be a part of the American democratic and pluralistic public education system. Religion, instead, is best left to the homes, families, churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples since religion is a highly personal and sensitive issue that should rest with individual interests, values, beliefs, and family traditions

    Proses Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Sekolahalam Minangkabau di Kota Padang

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    Islamic Religious Education Learning is usually carried out in a formal education environment, but in fact the non-formal education environment has a major influence on the achievement of Islamic Religious Education learning such as in Minangkabau natural schools. This study aims to find out as well as explore how the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning at the Minangkabau Natural School. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach (case study design). Qualitative data sources were taken to seventeen informants, using purposive sampling technique through in-depth interviews and analyzed using document analysis. All informants are people who are directly involved in learning in Minangkabau natural schools. Overall, the results of the study indicate that there are five learning processes of Islamic Religious Education carried out in Minangkabau natural schools. The five processes are: i) determining the school curriculum, ii) compiling a learning syllabus, iii) preparing learning materials, iv) preparing learning media facilities, and v) determining the use of learning approaches and methods. The results of this study can be used as initial data for future researchers in examining this problem in different contexts and issues

    Pengembangan dan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama pada SMA di Bawah Yayasan Keagamaan

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the development and the implementationof religious education curriculum developed by senior high schools (SMA) under religious foundations. This is a case study of SMA Muhammadiyah I Palangkaraya. Research design applied in this study is Stufflebeam's CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). The results how:1) SMA Muhammadiyah I Palangkaraya develops not only curriculum designed by Ministry of National Education but also local religious education one (curriculum developed by the foundation of Muhammadiyah); the way the school develops the curriculum can also be considered as especial because it provides its nonmuslims students facilities for learning their religious teachings, 2) some supporting factors are the participation of the foundation, the principal, and the school committee in the curriculum implementation, and 3) the obstacle of the curriculum implementation is the absence of a particular place such as laboratory for religious education


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of religious values ​​in character education at SDIT Al-Izzah Kota Serang. This research is qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects are teachers and students of grades III,VI,V at SDIT Kota Serang. This research was conducted in January - February 2022. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that the implementation of religious values can be carried out through religious habituation activities in students, namely (1) Implementation of religious values ​​through self-development which consists of routine activities in schools, spontaneous activities carried out by teachers to students, the example given by the teacher, and the conditioning of the school which was created in such a way. (2) Implementation of religious values ​​through subjects by inserting them in subject matter or moral messages, (3) Implementation of religious character values ​​through school culture which consists of culture in the classroom, school, outside of school. The teacher's perception of the importance of religious values ​​in character education is one of the sources that underlies character education and is very important to in still in students from an early age because strong religious provision from an early age will strengthen the moral foundations of students in the future. The role of the school in supporting the implementation of religious values ​​in character education is providing the necessary facilities, supporting activities in schools, and setting a good example for students


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of religious values ​​in character education at SDIT Al-Izzah Kota Serang. This research is qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects are teachers and students of grades III,VI,V at SDIT Kota Serang. This research was conducted in January - February 2022. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that the implementation of religious values can be carried out through religious habituation activities in students, namely (1) Implementation of religious values ​​through self-development which consists of routine activities in schools, spontaneous activities carried out by teachers to students, the example given by the teacher, and the conditioning of the school which was created in such a way. (2) Implementation of religious values ​​through subjects by inserting them in subject matter or moral messages, (3) Implementation of religious character values ​​through school culture which consists of culture in the classroom, school, outside of school. The teacher's perception of the importance of religious values ​​in character education is one of the sources that underlies character education and is very important to in still in students from an early age because strong religious provision from an early age will strengthen the moral foundations of students in the future. The role of the school in supporting the implementation of religious values ​​in character education is providing the necessary facilities, supporting activities in schools, and setting a good example for students

    The Adaptation of Islamic Religious Education Learning Model of the Independent Curriculum

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    Indonesian curriculum transformation into an independent curriculum necessitates the readiness of schools and all of their components to adapt to these changes. As a result, every school's Islamic religious education learning process is required to conduct learning by following the independent curriculum. This study employs the qualitative method with a descriptive design. The data is gathered through observation and interviews with informants. The study’s respondents were school principals, vice principals of the curriculum section, Islamic Religion education teachers, and student representatives from SMA Negeri 5 Tana Toraja. The data found in this study was analyzed by collecting data in process and data in the field. According to the findings, Islamic religious education is taught at SMA Negeri 5 Tana Toraja in the framework of implementing differentiated learning in the independent curriculum. The adoption of the independent curriculum in learning Islamic Religious Education at SMA Negeri 5 Tana Toraja lays a greater emphasis on teacher readiness in carrying out differentiated learning. Adopting the Independent Curriculum in learning Islamic Religious Education in schools necessitates facilities, space, and many policies to increase teachers' knowledge and creative power


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    This research is based on the urgency of instilling character education in students according to the rules set by the government. The purpose of this study was to describe the strengthening of religious character education for students in elementary schools by compiling routine programs of religious habituation. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach, where the data obtained in this study were obtained by researchers using data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, and documentation. The subjects in this study were class V participants at SD Negeri Cilaku, Curug District. The results of the study show that strengthening the religious character of students can be done by providing religious habituation to students, habituation activities can place students as something special that can train them to have good habits inherent in everyday life. The challenges of implementing the strengthening of students' religious character education can be seen from various aspects, namely (1) the teacher's knowledge of the concept of character education itself; (2) the toughest challenges are within the students, not to mention limited supervision from the teacher and the lack of supervision of students from their parents is also a challenge; (3) the school principal's policies and inadequate facilities and infrastructure are obstacles for schools in maximizing the implementation of religious character education for students. The religious character of students can be seen from their relationship with God (hablum minallah), where this can be seen from the obedience, faith, and piety of students. Meanwhile, in relation to other individuals and the environment (hablum minannas) it can be seen from the religious sub-values ​​developed by the 2017 Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's PKK Compilation Team